Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Busy day

Well, after being told the roof would be done Friday and the basement and garage concrete would be done on Monday, I was not shocked to find that by the end of Monday, neither were done.  But today was a busy day at the house.  They had three sets of contractors there today.


The roof finally went on today which made me very happy because I was a little tired of the wood getting rained on since it has been sitting around for over a month.

 Roofers are finishing up

Rear roof is complete with the exception of cleaning off scrap.


The plumber ran most of the plumbing today with the exception of the water lines in the basement.  The drains were done, water was plumbed throughout the first and second floor.  The passive radon vent went in.  I only had one issue with the plumbing that I need to raise to the project manager.  I will point it out in the pictures below.  I was also happy because the main drain runs across the house right next to the I-beam, so if I ever want to finish down there, I can enclose both of them.

 Laundry Room

Shared wall between Master and 2nd bath

The passive radon duct run through the auir return chas 

2nd Bath tub

Master Bath Shower Pan

 Master Bath Tub

 Master Bath Throne Room

This picture shows one of the drains being run in the wall between the house and garage.  This is technically an outside wall since the garage isn't insulated.  I plan to discuss moving this pipe with the project manager

This is the main drain pipe run right along the I-beam


The HVAC ducts were run to the 2nd floor and the holes were cut in the first floor, but no ducts were run in the basement yet.  I have a similar problem with the HVAC ducts in the garage wall as I had with the one drain pipe.  I will be speaking with the project manager to understand how he intends to fully insulate those ducts and wall cavities.

These are the jump ducts used to equalize the air between the bedrooms and the hallway.  I had them use jump ducts so you can't see through the walls where they would put the direct vent above the doors.  

 Stove and microwave vent

 Same picture as before but this time I am pointing out the ducts that are run in an external wall.  These need insulation which will not fit with the ducts in the wall.  They need to add framing and insulation on the outside of these ducts.  Another item to discuss with the project manager.

Funny thing is they new to insulate them when they are in the garage ceiling.

Same situation, different wall.  This is between the hallway and the garage.  Same discussion to be had with the project manager.

Same duct insulated in the garage ceiling. 

Cold air return in the kitchen.

This was unfortunate.  This was an empty cavity next to the pantry.  I was hoping it would stay empty and I could build in a decorative shelf.  Instead they ran a single HVAC duct through it.  Scrap that idea.

The empty soffit

As many people have stated in previous Milan blogs, the floors can be noisy.  I brought this up to the project manager at the pre-construction meeting and he had me speak with a service guy who happened to be there at the time.  The service manager informed me that some of the noise can come from soffits and that they had made design modifications to reduce the soffits, especially the one in the living room below the master bedroom.  Well, now that the plumbing and HVAC is in, I can see the soffit has no purpose.  It has nothing run in it.  So I will speak with the project manager to have it removed. See the empty soffit pics below.


I honestly have no idea what the plan is for tomorrow.  But I will be contacting Paul (the project manager) about the items I saw today as well as about getting a final closing date.  I need to let my apartment complex know by the end of the week if I need to add November. 

1 comment:

  1. I know this is way late... but for anyone else building a Milan... the Empty Bulkheads (Soffits) mentioned above are only supposed to be installed if you have a Crawl space or are on a slab. If you have a basement the HVAC will not use this. Make them rip it out and open your family room up...
    The framers cant read... it specifically says "Bulkhead with Opt. Crawl Space OR Opt. Slab Foundation"
