Friday, September 5, 2014

Two other small battles

I forgot to mention two other small battles that I had earlier in the build process (i.e. prior to the cracked foundation).  The first involved gutters and storm drains and the second involved trees.

Gutters and Storm Drains
When I was purchasing the home, I specifically asked Craig (salesperson) about whether the gutters were connected directly to the storm drains.  I had reason after having had water issues in multiple previous dwellings.  I was assured that yes they were.  Good.  However, once I arrived at the pre-construction meeting, I was informed that only the fronts were connected to the storm system and the rears were going to the yard.  Craig did inform the Paul (project manager) that he told me they would be connected.  Paul explained that the town wouldn't let them connect the rears to storm in the new phase.  A few days later, I decided to check with the town engineer.  I was informed that in fact they could be connected.  The confusion probably came from the fact that they were starting a new phase.  However the storm water management plan for that phase had been submitted with the previous phase and therefore was allowed to connect gutters to the storm system.  The next phase after ours, which is still being put together by the developer will need a new storm water management plan which will not allow connection of the gutters.  So, I called Paul and informed him of what the town engineer informed me.  He later met with the town engineer.  In the long run, my gutters are connected to the storm system.

Also during the sales process, I was given a sheet that stated the standard features of the new phase.  This included things like a standard landscape package, a mailbox, a light post, and two street trees.  When I drove through the neighborhood, I noticed that all the houses only had a single tree.  So I brought this up in pre-construction and was told I would get 1 tree.  I asked them to take out their standard features sheet and noted that it said 2 trees.  Well, I was informed that I would be getting two trees.  However, they did change the standard options sheet the next day.  what I find funny about it is that the town engineering department actually has a drawing showing the typical placement of two trees in the front yards of houses.  The drawing is located here:

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