Monday, September 22, 2014

Pre-drywall Meeting

This went relatively well.  Paul walked me through the house and made sure all the outlets, switches, speaker controls, etc. are all located properly.  I noticed a few small fixes that he is going to take care of related to the sealing of small gaps in the framing.  Otherwise, all the insulation was in, the garage is fully insulated, and the only insulation left is the basement.  He said this would happen after they finish all the duct work down there.


According to Paul, this is the current plan:

Today - 3rd Party and Town inspections before drywall.  This includes an inspection for the energy star rating.

Tomorrow - Drywall starts going up.  He said this is normally 10 days but the team is going to work to take time off this.

Before the week of October 6th - He is targeting the week of October 6th to have the lawn seeded, which means he needs to get the driveway, sidewalk and siding done before then.

Tentative Closing Date - October 28th

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