Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fast Framers

So, I was told that the framers would have the house up in 3 to 4 days max.  This is in spite of the fact that every house I had seen go up since I bought had taken at least 5 days, if not longer.  See for yourself.

August 29 - Framers start and have completed the first floor deck before quitting at lunch time to take an extended Labor day weekend.

September 2 - Framers have all the first floor walls in place and the 2nd floor joists in place.  Half of the d floor decking is also in place.

September 3 - Framers have the 2nd floor in place, all roof trusses placed, and the rear roof sheathing in place.

My best guess for the next two days this week:
Tomorrow 9/4  - Window sheathing complete, windows and doors installed.
Friday 9/5 - Roofing completed and possibly the basement and garage floors are poured.

I think they are pushing to get the floors poured so they can sit over a weekend.  As for floors and roofing on the same day, that was one of the ways they were hoping to gain back some time after the mistakes.

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