Wednesday, September 3, 2014

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

As I said before, we are actually a ways into the build process, so I need to recap where we were....

July 14 - The whole was dug for the foundation

July 15 - The footer is poured

July 16 - The forms are up

July 17 - Foundation was poured

July 18 - Foundation is wrapped, water and sewer are plumbed in.

July 21 - Foundation is backfilled

July 22 - Electrical is run to the foundation and the meter box and panel are put in place.

Everything is put on hold until the lumber arrives.  I was given an expected delivery date of August 6th.  I proceed to go on vacation from July 25th to August 5th.

August 6 - I notice some serious foundation cracks and measure that the side and rear walls are bowed in by at least an inch.

August 13 - After working my way through multiple managers, I finally get the builder to agree to remove the two walls  and the far corners of each of those walls, and have new footers and foundation walls poured.

August 18 - The foundation has been excavated for removal.

August 20 - The foundation and footer have been removed for those two walls.

August 21 - The new footer is poured.

August 22 - Drive by at lunch to find the new footer being ripped out.  They measured the footer wrong and it needs to be poured again.  New footer is once again poured by the end of the day.

August 25 - The new foundation walls are poured.

August 26 - The foundation is wrapped.

August 28 - The foundation is braced and backfilled again.
Note: You can see the joint between new and old concrete in the lower left corner

So, after 38 days, we are back to the ready to frame state...

Although this was a pain and does delay the build, I am happy that it was properly addressed, even if I had to push for the proper solution.

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