Friday, September 19, 2014

More progress

So, they have been working hard on the house this week.  We have the pre-drywall meeting scheduled for Monday 9/22.  So below is the progress.

Tuesday 9/16 Progress

I met with Paul at the house at lunch time and we went through my list of items to be fixed.  He agreed to pretty much everything and already had most of them on his list.  We also discussed schedule a little.  Things are coming together.  One interesting tidbit.  I asked about the 2nd floor laundry and why they didn't put in a drain pan and floor drain.  Paul said that they used to do that but had 2 problems:
  1. Finding a drain pan that would fit and not get in the way of the dryer was a problem.
  2. If people had a problem (i.e. leak) and the drain pan was ineffective, they would blame Ryan Homes.
Paul said that Ryan determined most washer problems actually stemmed from poor hoses and the best solution is not replace hoses regularly.  If the hose springs a leak, it is doubtful that it will all land in a drain tub.  So, Ryan no longer installs them in NY (not required by code either).

Paul also told me that even though we won't be closing til the end of October, they intend to grade and seed in the first week of October so it can establish itself before Winter.  Therefore, I need to give him some info on Monday, like where is the front flowerbed and landscaping going and where in the backyard to I want him to leave unseeded for us to install a pool.

Wednesday 9/17 Progress

The framers returned to fix everything before insulation goes in.  The last window was installed, all of the problem studs were replaced, etc.  they also lowered the breakfast bar as low as it could go while still allowing room for an outlet between the backsplash and the trim below the breakfast bar counter.

I also went by tonight and took pictures of every room of the house.  I have pictures showing where all plumbing, wiring and duct runs in the whole house.  These include ceiling pictures, etc.  Just in case I ever need them.   Took me about 2 hours to take all of the photos and another hour to label them all.

Thursday 9/18 Progress

The garage doors were installed today.  Looks a little more like a house.  One step closer to being completely locked out of the house.  Also, the tin work was dropped off for installing the furnace and ducts in the basement.

Friday 9/19 Progress

The insulation is going in today.  This morning one person came through and sealed every crack in the house with either caulk or spray foam.  This afternoon, all of the insulation should be going in (except for the 2nd floor ceiling which will be blown in the attic after sheetrock.

Here are a few pics:

Garage Floor

Front of the house with garage doors installed

Also, I believe our neighbors to the right, in the gray house, should have closed yesterday 9/18.  So I bet they start moving in this weekend.

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